Kodiak Island Resort – June Update
Kodiak Island Resort – June Update
The Fishing Capital of the world, Alaska, has not been disappointing us at all. All our guests are continuing to catch so much Halibut we released back dozens last week.
The Chinook (King) Salmon are continuing to show up more and more each day. Every group had the opportunity to reel in the allusive King Salmon last week and they never disappoint.
The YellowEye/Tiger rock fish are not only one of the most beautiful fish in the sea, but they are also one of the oldest fish. We have had multiple rockfish well over 100 years old last week. They are a true trophy and many of our customers have been getting them mounted for their office or home.

The sea otters and sea lions are out in full force. We are seeing dozens every day. The whales and dolphins never get old and we have had them chasing our boats and playing in the waves multiple times last week. We even have a couple of River Otters that hang in our Bay. There is also a fox that is our cabin mascot, Foxy comes by to say hi most every morning.
We are starting to see more bears playing on the beach, some even with cubs following right behind. Like we mentioned last week, Pink Salmon will be showing up soon which will increase bear sightings all around the Kodiak Island.
The weather has been averaging 60 to 65 degrees with partly blue skies for many weeks now. The seas have been so amazing we have been able to get to a place called Geographic Bay which is in the Katmai National Park. (Google this and see how amazing it is https://www.nps.gov/katm/index.htm)
Geographic Bay is so unique you will rarely ever see another boat or person. We are finding new fishing holes every time we go over